<aside> 💡 Colores para texto
Use pre-defined colors... $\color{#fff} \colorbox{#cb345a} {or use hex codes}$
<aside> 💡 Background
$\colorbox{plum}{◃ use any of the colors to the left}$
$\fbox {add a simple border}$
$\color{lavender} \fcolorbox{midnightblue}{orchid}{use color boxes with borders}$
$\color{tomato} \fcolorbox{tomato}{white}{color borders and text only}$
$\color{midnightblue} \fcolorbox{green}{greenyellow}{color backgrounds and text}$
$\mathsf{} \color{navajowhite} \fcolorbox{darkslateblue}{orange}{experiment with combinations}$
$\color{pink} \fcolorbox{pink}{#8b4e96}{have fun with symbols ♠ ♡ ♣ ♢}$
$\fbox{ \color {#8b4e96}{add a simple border}}$
<aside> 💡 Tipografías
$\mathtt {Typewriter}$
$\mathsf {Sans~Serif}$
$\mathbb {CHALKBOARD}$
$\mathrm {Roman}$
$\mathcal {Caligraphic}$
<aside> 💡 Tamaños
$\tiny {Tiny}$
$\scriptsize Script~Size$
$\footnotesize Footnote~Size$
$\small Small$
$\normalsize Normal~Size$
$\large Large$
$\Large Large$
$\LARGE Large$
$\huge Huge$
$\Huge Huge$
<aside> 💡 Decoraciones
$\undergroup{group1}$ $\undergroup{group2}$ $\undergroup{group3}$
$\overline {overline}$
$$ \begin{aligned} center~aligned~text~here \end{aligned} $$
<aside> 💡 Guía de colores
<aside> 💡 Dar formato a títulos de bases de datos